This Headline Says it All About the Direction of America

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
A recent U.S. News and World Report article discussed a Gallup poll which found that Americans are losing confidence in most major institutions, both public and private.
The headline of the article simply read: “Americans Have Lost Confidence … in Everything.”
Americans have little confidence in most of their major institutions including Congress, the presidency, the Supreme Court, banks and organized religion, according to the latest Gallup poll.
“Americans’ confidence in most major U.S. institutions remains below the historical average for each one,” a Gallup spokesman said in a news release. Only the military, in which 72 percent of Americans express confidence, up from a historical average of 68 percent, and small business, with 67 percent confidence, up from 63, are currently rated higher than their historical norms. This is based on the percentage expressing “a great deal” or “quite a lot” of confidence in these institutions, the Gallup spokesman said.
Only 8 percent have confidence in Congress, down by 16 points from a long-term average of 24 percent – the lowest of all institutions rated. The rating is about the same as last year’s 7 percent, the lowest Gallup has ever measured for any institution.
Thirty-three percent have confidence in the presidency, a drop from a historical average of 43 percent. Thirty-two percent have confidence in the Supreme Court, down from 44.
With a revolving door of scandals in the federal government -Hillary’s emails, Benghazi, the VA scandal, NSA spying, mismanaged government waste, collusion between the Ex-Im Bank and politicians, to name a few- it’s no wonder people are questioning the integrity of those who ask for more of our liberty and more of our money every day.
Less government means less opportunity for waste, fraud, and abuse.