Carpenter: Was Last Night a Democratic Debate or a Pep Rally?
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
Hillary Clinton had a strong debate performance last night, but is that really saying much? Was Hillary strong, or were the other Democratic primary challengers surrounding her just really weak?
Conservative Review’s Amanda Carpenter posed that question and more in her debate reaction commentary, making the case for why Republicans and conservatives should be excited that Hillary Clinton is the likely Democratic presidential nominee.
The conventional wisdom among the mainstream press is that Hillary Clinton wiped the floor with her competition at the first Democratic debate.
To which one should ask, what competition? Not a single candidate had the guts to question her about any of her most vulnerable issues… The candidates on stage acted more like they were there for a Clinton pep rally than a debate with her.
…Republicans ought to be celebrating Hillary’s victory right along with her because the lines she delivered last night, unchallenged by her fellow candidates, are prime election fodder for a general election.
Read Amanda Carpenter’s whole commentary on Conservative Review here.