San Diego Wanted to Ban the Term “Founding Fathers,” But Changed Its Mind

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
The city of San Diego wanted to ban the term “Founding Fathers” because city officials believed it to be a “gender-biased” term, but reversed its decision after objection from a legal watchdog group.
Yes- you read that right.
San Diego officials have walked back a warning to city workers ahead of President’s Day not to drop any F-bombs — as in the phrase “Founding Fathers.” The traditional reference to America’s patriotic patriarchs was an example of “gender biased” language in a city manual, and the admonition not to use it was reinforced this week with verbal orders, according to legal watchdog group, Pacific Justice Institute.
“At a time set aside to honor American icons to whom we owe our constitutional freedoms, it is offensive and indefensible that the City of San Diego is directing employees not to even mention the Founding Fathers,” Brad Dacus, president of the Pacific Justice Institute, said in a statement provided to The warning against referring to Washington, Jefferson, Adams and company as “Founding Fathers” first appeared in a section of a city-issued manual titled, “Bias-Free Language.”
In a statement, city spokeswoman Katie Keach said workers are now free to characterize the framers of the Constitution in the traditional language. “The ‘founding fathers’ reference was an example used in the correspondence manual, nothing more,” she said. “This example has been removed.”
Thanks to the Pacific Justice Institute, San Diego city officials now have permission to say whatever they want on President’s Day.
If only there were some sort of law or amendment that allowed us the right to free speech 100% of the time…..