Explosion at Marine Corps Charity Run
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Multiple pipe-bomb devices were detonated this morning along the route of Marine Corps charity run near the boardwalk at Seaside Park, New Jersey. Fortunately, no one was injured in the explosion, which is currently under investigation by the FBI.
Authorities have yet to determine if this was merely a criminal act or an act of terror. However, they have determined that it was intentional and intended to disrupt the Marine Corps event.
As reported by CNN,
Two to three pipe-bomb-type devices wired together were set off near the boardwalk in Seaside Park. No injuries were reported, and a four-block area was evacuated, authorities said.
Al Della Fave, a spokesman for the Ocean County prosecutor’s office, said he believes the blast was meant to affect the Seaside Semper Five race. “Where, if it was just a matter of minutes, in terms of difference, there would have been a good number of people running past that explosive device,” Della Fave said, considering its location along the run route.
Just after the explosion, Della Fave said, the area was placed on lockdown, and police deployed bomb detection dogs. He said no additional devices were found after the dogs completed their sweep.
“Until the bomb squad gives us the all-clear in terms of that garbage pail, we’re going to keep that area closed off,” he said. Law enforcement sources said at least one of the devices did not explode.
The race was subsequently shut down by the police, and there is no word yet on if it will be rescheduled.