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Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel is always eager to challenge President Trump’s stance on sanctuary cities but there is no sanctuary from violence for the Windy City residents.
In less than a day, 29 people in Chicago were shot. The violence can happen anytime and anywhere. Last month four people were killed at a restaurant (see video).
The Chicago Tribune provided an overview and summary of the shootings.
A 38-year-old man was walking on the sidewalk in the 4800 block of South Ada Street in Back of the Yards about 3:10 a.m. when he was shot in the left arm. He was taken to University of Illinois at Chicago hospital, where his condition was stabilized.
A 23-year-old man was shot in the left thigh while driving in the 4200 block of North Pulaski Road in the Old Irving Park neighborhood about 2:30 a.m. He was taken to Illinois Masonic Medical Center, where his condition was stabilized.
At 2:05 a.m. in the Fuller Park neighborhood, a 30-year-old man was shot in the face at a party in the 4800 block of South Princeton Avenue after arguing with someone who opened fire. The man took himself to Provident Hospital of Cook County and was transferred to Stroger Hospital, where his condition was stabilized.
The list of shooting victims continues in the story.
If Emanuel cared about his constituents he would be working with Trump to make Chicago safer not more dangerous.