Maxine Waters Calls Trump “Putin’s Apprentice”

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
Representative Maxine Waters (D-CA) continues to criticize President Trump.
Waters appeared on MSNBC Sunday and called President Trump “Putin’s apprentice,” after the announcement Russian President Vladimir Putin will meet with Trump at the White House this fall.
Townhall reports:
“I think I know what they talked about,” she told MSNBC’s Joy Reid, “they talked about lifting the sanctions, they talked about the upcoming elections, they talked about all of the things that they could not talk about in an email or on the phone. He had to go and meet with him in private so that he could talk about what he’s going to do what I believe is his commitment to get those sanctions lifted.”
“This president, I believe, has promised him (Putin) that, once he was elected, he would get those sanctions lifted,” she added, “I think he is Putin’s apprentice. He’s been under his tutelage for a long time now.”
Waters also questioned if Congressional Republicans plan to boycott any Trump events including a potential state dinner.
“He’s going to invite him unless the Congress of the United States really takes some serious action,” she continued, asking, “how many of the Republicans are saying I won’t come to the White House, I’m going to be outside demonstrating? How many of them saying don’t invite me to any dinner, you better not have a state dinner.”
Waters’ resist Trump agenda doesn’t stop with President Trump.
Last month, Waters urged a crowd of her supporters to harass Trump staffers over the “’zero-tolerance’ immigration policy — and said ‘the people’ will ‘absolutely harass’ Trump staffers.” (see video)
With constant criticism and calls for Trump’s impeachment, Waters shows no signs of tamping down her anti-Trump rhetoric.