Maxine Waters 80th Birthday Wish Is Trump Impeachment

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
California Democrat Representative Maxine Waters is verbally attacking President Trump again.
During a recent interview on MSNBC, Waters accused President Trump of using her name as a way to “frighten” white people. reports:
“Listen, he’s trying to frighten, uh, you know, whites about Maxine Waters,” she said. “‘Here’s this black woman, and she’s controversial, and she said things about me, and she does not move away from her position on impeachment, etc.’ He’s trying to frighten them. It’s not going to work.”
That’s not all.
During the same interview, Waters wants President Trump impeached for her 80th birthday present.
Independent Journal Review reports:
“[Trump] is undermining our democracy,” Waters continued. “He is making us ashamed of him, and he’s been destructive to this democracy.
“I would wish that we could remove him from office and go about getting the kind of president that we could all be proud of,” she added.
Waters complains that President Trump is dividing and harming the nation but she is apparently deaf to her own divisive rhetoric.