Al Sharpton has pre-organized protests in 25 U.S. cities pending grand jury decision
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
Originally posted by Staff at
rabble-rouser, noun: A person who speaks with the intention of inflaming the emotions of a crowd of people, typically for political reasons
There’s your dictionary definition. All that’s missing is the accompanying illustration, in place of which the photo at the left will eminently serve.
That fine upstanding human being is known to viewers of MSNBC as the host who misreads half of the words that scroll up his teleprompter, and to state and federal courts as guy is in arrears to the tune of $4.5 million. But the role for which he is best known is about to play out in 25 cities throughout the nation.
From ABC News:
Al Sharpton said today that he is “on high alert” for the grand jury decision in the case of Michael Brown, the unarmed black teenager who was shot and killed by a police officer in Ferguson, Missouri.
Sharpton said that his civil rights group, the National Action Network, have been planning for “vigils and non-violent demonstrations” when the Ferguson grand jury hands down its ruling, which is expected to come any day.
“I have pledged to the mother and father of Michael Brown that I will be there with them when the decision is announced,” Sharpton said at a press conference today.
If you find that message confusing, that’s because it is. Presumably, if the grand jury decides to hold the case of Ferguson, Mo., police officer and shooter Darren Wilson over for trial, Sharpon will call off his dogs. Which means he has already decided there is one acceptable outcome. So much for justice.
Read the entire post here.