“The Fight is Not Over Yet” Sharpton Returns to Ferguson Missouri Following Night of Violence
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Following the grand jury’s decision to not indict Officer Darren Wilson, it’s not surprising that Al Sharpton disagrees with the outcome and will be returning to Ferguson, Missouri.
Sharpton, expected to join Michael Brown’s family at a news conference, has criticized the handling of the case by Prosecutor Bob McCulloch.
“It was expected, but still an absolute blow to those of us that wanted to see a fair and open trial. I think that it is clear that even when you see a blow coming that you expected, it still hurts nonetheless,” said Sharpton. “We said from the beginning, we said we had little or no confidence in this prosecutor and called for federal intervention.”
Sharpton was also instrumental in pre-organizing protests in over 20 cities prior to the grand jury’s decision. Protests were reported to have taken place in cities such as New York, Oakland, Los Angeles and Seattle.