Commentary: Obama Plays Dirty with New “Clean Power Plan”
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
I have a commentary posted at Conservative Review this week that addresses Obama’s War on Coal, and the lengths that he will go to bankrupt the industry just to appease the radical environmental movement.
In preparation for the upcoming United Nations Climate Change conference, President Obama is driving the last nails into the coffin of the coal industry. By abusing the regulatory power of the executive branch, Obama is bankrupting an entire industry in order to show global leadership in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and meet the social agenda of left-wing billionaire environmentalist donors and activists.
On July 16, the Department of Interior issued a proposed rule that will make it harder to mine coal, and tomorrow the Environmental Protection Agency is expected to announce its final Clean Power Plant rule targeting greenhouse emissions from power plants. According to news reports, the final power plant rule on existing power plants will differ from the proposed regulation by pushing back interim compliance dates for states and it will increase the mandated reduction of carbon dioxide emissions from 30 to 32 percent below 2005 levels by 2030.
… The new restrictions on carbon dioxide emissions will force more coal power plant closings and dealing with regulations that severely restricts coal mining only adds to the financial burden facing the industry. With abundant and cheap natural gas available, utilities are finding it cost effective to close coal facilities instead of paying the compliance costs of dealing with EPA regulations, which is resulting in plummeting demand for coal.
Obama is desperate to carve out his political legacy during his last year in office, and he is raising energy prices for low-income households and killing jobs in the process. Read the rest of my commentary at Conservative Review here.