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Guess What Donald Trump is Accusing the Media of Now…

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

Never one to back away from a fight, Mr. Trump’s style seems to be staying on offense rather than having to play defense. His latest maneuver?

Earlier today, he tweeted,

This tweet follows a series of tweets in which the presumptive GOP nominee decried a New York Times article for what he calls “dishonest” coverage of his past interactions with women. As the Washington Examiner reported,

Trump latest tweets picked up on an earlier Twitter rant against a New York Times story alleging that Trump has a history disrespectful and inappropriate behavior directed at women.

“Why did the failing ‪@nytimes refuse to use any of the names given to them that I was so proud to have helped with their careers,” he tweeted. “DISHONEST!”

Trump claimed that the paper did not contact women who supposedly would say good things about the real estate mogul — a charge the article’s author denied, noting that those very women are quoted in the story.

“Wow, I have had so many calls from high ranking people laughing at the stupidity of the failing ‪@nytimes piece,” Trump tweeted hours after the story was published. “Massive front page for that!”

In his initial barrage of tweets Sunday morning, Trump tried shifting the subject to Bill Clinton’s women troubles and Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton’s support of him during the former president’s scandals.

“Why doesn’t the failing ‪@nytimes write the real story on the Clintons and women?” he tweeted. “The media is TOTALLY dishonest!” he stated, deploying his well-honed tactic of blaming the media for bad press.

While it is true that Mr. Trump has bragged about his extra-marital exploits in the past (such as in his book “The Art of the Comeback,” where he wrote: “If I told the real stories of my experiences with women, often seemingly very happily married and important women, this book would be a guaranteed best-seller.”), the media bias in this election is also very clear – not to mention predictable.

Hillary’s past will be off limits. Mr. Trump’s? Hardly. The same media narrative plays out every election cycle and goes something like this…

Democrat candidates past actions? Excusable no matter what. Republican candidates past actions? Equivalent with pushing granny’s wheelchair over a cliff… while she’s sitting in it… holding kittens… and then dropping a nuclear bomb in the chasm on top of them.

Because, journalism. (Or something.)

Buckle up, Mr. Trump. The media bias is only beginning.

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