Common Core required readings that would make a longshoreman blush
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Howard Portnoy of writes:
What do Sherman Alexie’s “Every Little Hurricane,” David Mitchell’s “Black Swan Green,” and Toni Morrison’s “The Bluest Eye” have in common? All contain scenes of overt sexuality, violence, the most vulgar language imaginable, or some combination thereof. Oh, and all are required readings under the Common Core Curriculum Standards.
Last December, the Newburgh (N.Y.) School District yanked “Black Swan Green” from its ninth-grade reading list after outraged parents complained about a passage in which the 13-year-old narrator graphically describes his father’s genitals and a sex act. The profanity in “Every Little Hurricane” is so extreme it would be out of place in a waterfront dive bar. And “The Bluest Eye,” taught in Grade 11, not only includes explicit depictions of pedophilia, rape, and incest but characterizes these acts variously as “friendly,” “innocent,” and “tender.”
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Posted on April 17, 2014 at 2:07 pm
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