Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
Donald Trump has taken a lot of flack the last few weeks for daring to mention that elections could be rigged. Forget that Project Veritas has proven that Democrats have purposefully worked to manipulate elections for decades, that Hillary said in 2002 that George W. Bush was “selected” not “elected,” or these four other times Democrats cried foul over election results.
The cherry on top? We now have a video from 2008 where then candidate Obama talked about how “people in power” have “rigged” elections.
I tell you what it helps in Ohio, that we got Democrats in charge of the machines.
I come from Chicago, so I want to be honest, it’s not as if it’s just Republicans who have monkeyed around with elections in the past. Sometimes, Democrats have, too.
Whenever people are in power, they have this tendency to try to, you know, tilt things in their direction.
Yeah. That’s not incriminating at all. Clearly, Trump is just crazy. Rigging elections nevvvvvver happens. Let’s just take Obama’s word for it. Or Hillary’s. As long as it’s not Trump’s. Cool.