The Feds Are Actually Giving Money Back to Someone
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
A few days ago, Deneen re-posted a long feature story from the The Daily Signal about Lyndon McLellan, owner of L&M Convenience Mart in Fairmont, NC who had $107k stolen from his bank account by the feds.
Turns out, there might be a happy ending to the story!
[H]is attorneys at the Institute for Justice announced Thursday that the IRS and Department of Justice have moved to dismiss the case and give him back his money.“What’s wrong is wrong, and what the government did here was wrong,” McLellan said in a statement Thursday. “I just hope that by standing up for what’s right, it means it won’t happen to other people.” reported earlier this week on McLellan’s struggle to get his money back. The Institute for Justice said the feds moved to drop their case on Wednesday. Asked about the claim, an IRS official told they could not comment on the case; a representative with DOJ has not yet responded to a request for comment.
Well said, McLellan. There is plenty that can be done to make sure this doesn’t happen to other people. Let’s hope civil libertarians in Congress and state government continue to push for more civil asset forfeiture reform this year.